Creativity Improves Competency

Improve academic performance by teaching students to harness their creativity.

How Does It Work

Much of the school day is filled with Focused Thinking while we concentrate on taking in specific information, answering questions, and creating work to demonstrate understanding. 

Diffuse Thinking is a more relaxed state of mind that engages many parts of the brain simultaneously. This state of mind is how we process information, understand context, and make new connections. This state of mind emerges when we daydream.

Giving your students time to let their minds wander leads to a deeper and more meaningful educational experience that translates into a measurable improvement in academic performance.

 Case Study:

Chemistry 101, University of Arizona

Professor Colleen Kelly at the University of Arizona has begun a longitudinal study using Cloud Club’s Purposeful daydreaming techniques in her Chemistry class. The study is ongoing, however results from the first 8 weeks are in and students showed a remarkable improvement not only in creativity but also the comprehension of course specific material. Click the button below to see the full results as well as read comments from students about their experience using these techniques.

Benefits of Cloud Club in the Classroom

Mental Well-being

Increased well-being

Creative Capacity

Improved Creative Capacity

Emotional Regulation

Emotion Regulation


Mental Flexibility




Creative Confidence

Teacher Testimonials

I am so excited for this strategic intervention that will relieve so much unnecessary doubt and paralysis in the classroom!
— Colleen Kelley, Ph.D, University of Arizona

After becoming dysregulated from an argument with a friend this morning, (my student) was asked to choose a coping strategy. She chose Cloud Club all on her own. I realize now that this is the PERFECT coping strategy for her.
— Social Emotional Academic Teacher

It was a nice built in “pause” to our day. I implemented it a 3rd time with my class and they were excited!
— 4th Grade Teacher

Get the Educator Guide

Use this guide to help implement Purposeful Daydreaming in your classroom!